Monday, March 29, 2010


Big Brothers & Big Sisters Logo outside of school

Orientation for Service Learning is my first journal entry this semester. At first when we walked into the school I didn’t know what to expect and what I was getting myself into. I was thinking this is going to be a lot of work that I really don’t want to get into. After I thought about it and they said that we could be teaching Hispanic adults how to speak English and got the opportunities to help tutor small elementary children, I was excited at the opportunity. Not only is it a good deed, it will also look good on a resume stating that we did volunteer work within an inner city school. Moreover, 20 hours wasn’t that many hours to accumulate over the course of 15 weeks; making the project seems relatively easy and fun.
In our first night they gave us pizza, which was great if I hadn’t eaten prior to coming to the school. Although, I ate before that didn’t stop me from eating again. We got the chance to meet other volunteers that are full-time and are there most every day, trying to help keep these kids out of trouble. Then, came the numerous pieces of paper work we needed to fill out (i.e. background check, volunteer availability, Big Brothers, Big Sisters application) I mean there are some weird people out there and you can never be too careful when working with today’s youth. Overall, the first experience and first night went very well and I can wait to start working with these kids!
School Logo, First thing I noticed as I came up to the School!

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